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Could A Puppy Get Your Business Hacked?

How lovely. Lisa in accounts has a brand new puppy.

It’s taking over her life. There are photos on her desk. It’s all she seems to talk about. Hey – she even changed her password to include his name.

And suddenly that puppy has become a security risk to your business.

Hackers are clever. They look at social media feeds, and build profiles of people based on what they share. You’d be surprised many people base their passwords on their pets or children’s names.

We’ve created a new video about this very subject. You need to watch it now.

Phishing Scam
Tech Tips

Top 5 Phishing Scams

According to Google Ngram Viewer, since 2005 the word “phishing” has seen a 105% increase in literature and day to day usage. The last five years alone has seen a

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