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Staff Outing @ NAVRTAR!

As part of our bi-monthly team building activities, October was the month for virtual reality!

The staff went to tackle a zombie apocalypse in a new virtual reality bar in Ealing – and the results were hilarious!

She was surrounded by zombies and shot aimlessly as she was being eaten to death.
Lads, lads, lads. Go team!
Tech Tips

Handy Keyboard Shortcuts

From the tech team at iceConnect, to anyone sat at a desk, struggling to find the document they minimised ten minutes ago, here are a few handy keyboard shortcuts we

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windows 11
Growth Hack

Why Now Is the Best Time to Upgrade to Windows 11 for Your Business

f your business is still using Windows 10, now is the time to consider a Windows 11 upgrade for businesses. Microsoft will end free support for Windows 10 on 14th October, leaving systems without critical security updates. Although extended security support is available for £23 ($30) per device for an additional year, the costs can add up quickly for larger organisations.

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